Why Railroad Workers Can’t Wait To File Retaliation Cases Under The FRSA

It’s happened at least a dozen times this year. A potential client calls and tells me how they’ve been fired from a railroad in retaliation for reporting an injury or bad ordering a car or reporting track defects, or getting medical treatment, or … well you get the idea. I listen intently and begin to formulate the case in my head. Then I ask the pivotal question, “when did this happen?” “Well, I just got

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The Railroad Worker’s “Miranda” Rights: Tips for After Your Injury

It’s not as sexy as Law & Order, but if you’re injured working for the railroad, chances are one of the first people you hear from will be a representative from company management. This can be a scary time as you worry about your health and career so there are a few things you should know about your rights if you find yourself in that situation.1. You have the right to remain silent.You’ve seen it

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